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How to promote your business in an efficient way on social media

By: Jasmine Zhang

Social media is regarded as a brilliant way for entrepreneurs to promote their business and attract more customers. However, how to promote it on social media in an efficient way can be overwhelming for small business owners or young entrepreneurs. Where to start and how to attract more attention? Here are some steps and tips that you can follow to make it work for your own business.


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1. Ask yourself three key questions: what are you trying to promote? What are your assets? Who are your target customers?


Before engage your business in social media marketing, the first action you should take is to make it clear what are you using social media for. Define how much percentage of your assets can be invested in promoting on social media. Who is your target audience and what your business want to achieve finally.

Don’t ignore the importance of this step, otherwise you may end up measuring the wrong thing and the effect of your promotion and publicity will also be not good.


2. Understand how each social media platform works and sign up your own account.


Different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all work differently. So before signing up your own account, make sure you know these platforms’ differences and can take good advantage of these tools. It is a good idea to see the advice these platforms offered for small business on their websites. In terms of signing up your own account, Facebook allows to have a business account. But you can also sign up through your personal account and it may be easier for small business owners to manage it.


Don’t try to be everywhere at once--Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat all offer great opportunities. Master two of them that are right for your audience at first will be enough which can help you focus more on your content.


3. Find a social media manager.

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 Managing multiple social media networks is not an easy thing. So before starting to post your content, sign up for a social media manager such as and HootSuite. These social media managers help it easier to manage your accounts by allowing you to manage all of your accounts on one site and review real-time statistics such as the number of likes, comments or retweets. Additionally, you can gather the data of all the mentions, search terms of your business brand and industry as well.

  If you want to get more involved in social media, finding a social media manger is an excellent choice which can help you manage your social media accounts in a convenient way.


1. About your posts


It is important to make sure that you should have your social media content before starting adding friends or followers. When you try to find friends for your business page, they will look at your page and see whether to follow you or not. So do provide some valuable information for your company or the whole industry and gives others a reason to follow you.


In order to post in a more efficient way, here are some tips:

(1) Don’t post too frequent, one post per day more effective than endless content a day.

(2) Focus on the quality of your post, make sure each word in your word makes sense.

(3) Try to make your post more interesting--you can try more multimedia forms like video, audio or images.

(4) Listen as well as talk. Try to have more interactions with people. Respond quickly and carefully to their likes or complaints.


2. Find friends and followers and engage with them.


In order to find your page’s potential friends or followers, you can start by searching keywords within the social media platform. Try to comment on these potential followers’ posts, mention them in a your post or simply say that you look forward to following their great content. Get people to trust you is important in seeking followers and friends on social media.

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